From an internal source, I know the system houses to sell one kind of system to another. It is a dirty business, so they steal ideas from each other, and are always trying to rehash old systems as something new. System vendors often promise ridiculous advantages.
For example, to bet with only a 1% lead to an even money would not be difficult to 100 million U.S.
I was asked to prove this claim, so I wrote a computer simulation based on the distorted by a coin toss, with 50.5% probability of winning. At all times the player bet 1% of his bankroll, rounded to the nearest dollar.
However, when a winning bet, the player would bet 1 million when he bet only as much as he needed exactly 1,000,000. In addition, I ran simulations with a 2% advantage and a starting point of 1,000 bankroll. Bets won = 7182811698 (50.4999%) = 7040599544 lost bets (49.5001%) achieved first player to 1,000,000 = 79.438 (83.019%) went into bankruptcy, the first player = 16.249 (16.981%) Average a dedicated 1,000.
won 000 = 174 972 (364.5 reached on day 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour) = 7,027,117,205 bets (51.0000%) = 6751539769 lost bets (49.0000%) reached 1 million first player = betting casino city jet ski atlantic city nj 215.702 (98.099%) players casino city jet ski atlantic city nj first went bankrupt = 4.180 (1.901%) Average number of bets to 1,000,000 = 63 775 (132.9 days 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour) = 5,213,026,190 won reach (50, 4999%) = 5109817544 bets (49.5001%) reached 1 million first player lost = 74 818 (99.0285%) went into bankruptcy, the first player = 734 (0.9715%) Average number of bets to 1,000. = 000 bets betting 137 208 (285.8 days 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour) won = 6,332,837,070 (50.9996%) = 6,084,596,671 (49.0004%) first player to reach 1,000,000 = 267 445 lost access ( 99.9996%) went into bankruptcy first player 1 = (0.0004%) Average number of bets reached to 1,000,000 = 46 428 (96.7 days at 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour) ThisSimulations show that with just a slight bit of advantage as a% and a can of only 100 bank roll your way to 1,000,000 grind of gaming equivalent of compound interest. But you've never heard of this actually casino city jet ski atlantic city nj happening.
Could it be that casino city jet ski atlantic city nj these systems do not match after all the work? Here are some examples of the system vendors are trying to be mathematically challenged to use. There are hundreds of sites like these on the Internet, and this list is just a taste. These sites regularly disappear in the middle of the night, or suddenly direct traffic to a porn site.
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